ARCIMS SeaSense: An Autonomous Anti-Submarine Warfare Solution

ARCIMS SeaSense: An Autonomous Anti-Submarine Warfare Solution
Example of multiple ASW assets, controlled by a Command and Control Centre ashore, patrolling large areas of territorial waters (TTW) in the aim of detecting and deterring underwater threats [Click to enlarge]
“You cannot control what you don’t patrol”

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The underwater threat in 2023 is both real and local, and is only set to rise as technology continues to become more sophisticated. The number of submarines, Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) and Diver Delivery Vehicles (DDVs) is increasing along with their capabilities and ability to operate in shallow, congested waters which can threaten national infrastructure, vital shipping routes, gather intelligence, deliver narcotics, or simply present a strategic threat.

Operational requirements versus availability can be difficult to balance for most navies. Tasking often stretches far beyond the assets and capability available: within Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), platforms more aligned to open ocean. To address this, navies are starting to embrace new technologies such as uncrewed platforms that, not only remove the human from the dangerous, dull, difficult and dirty tasks, but also provide a ‘soft fill’ for tasking that would otherwise require a complex warship to undertake. Complex warships are just that, complex with capability that can often far exceed the given task.

Therefore, ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK (AEUK) have added an underwater surveillance system to their already established fleet of ARCIMS Uncrewed Surface Vessels (USVs). Integrated with a compact Variable Depth Sonar (VDS) ‘SeaSense’, this underwater threat detection capability has been designed to operate within confined and shallow waters, offering an alternative to the traditional ASW platform.

When protecting strategic national infrastructure, such as offshore energy, utilising a capability such as ARCIMS SeaSense to provide a deterrence and early warning would offer sustainable protection. The effect is still the same as an ASW frigate, sea control and area denial, however, it allows commanders to task assets more freely – keeping complex warships for complex tasks. 

ARCIMS SeaSense: An Autonomous Anti-Submarine Warfare Solution
ARCIMS has been developed using sophisticated processes and technology leading to a proven, in service, capability provided to navies around the world.

Operated from AEUK’s ARCIMS USV range, ARCIMS SeaSense is a cost effective solution with low capital, support and through-life costs.

The USV is fitted with the latest sense and avoid technology, allowing for COLREGS aware autonomy. Supplied with a Command, Control and Communications Centre (C3), the USV and VDS can be operated remotely with just two personnel while providing real time situational awareness. Its operational availability is maintained at a high state of readiness due to its limited maintenance and upkeep cycle of around 15 days per year.

SeaSense is a medium frequency active sonar with a passive receive array. It is compact, yet can integrate into a multitude of platforms up to corvette sized vessel. Able to sonify at depth, SeaSense can exploit environmental conditions, leaving detection hard to avoid.   

ARCIMS SeaSense: An Autonomous Anti-Submarine Warfare Solution
 Navies can conduct ASW surveillance from ship- or shore-based Command and Control centres.  SeaSense VDS can be deployed from optionally-manned USVs or larger Navy platforms.

Using AEUK’s UxV suite, pre-planned routes allow ARCIMS SeaSense to be deployed for up to 24hrs, while sending live sonar data back for analysis. This approach offers ASW commanders the freedom to limit the use of high-value assets such as ASW helicopters with dipping sonar and lightweight torpedoes to prosecute only those Contacts of Interest (COI) that have been identified by SeaSense, while keeping personnel out of harm’s way. 

Of course, ARCIMS SeaSense cannot fully replace an ASW Frigate or Corvette due to the additional roles those platforms undertake. However, for coastal protection, a fleet of ARCIMS SeaSense would provide around-the-clock surveillance, increasing the range of the Recognised Maritime Picture (RMP) for a fraction of the cost of a single ASW platform. These systems could be deployed to acoustically flood areas of national importance, such as key choke points, shipping routes or ports, gaining tactical advantage and denying the threat the waterspace to operate freely.

ARCIMS USV is capable of being transported and launch and recovered via multiple configurations from air, land or sea

ARCIMS USV, currently operated by the Royal Navy with AEUK’s MCM Sweep capability, can be transported by air, land or sea, allowing ASW Commanders to insert assets in theatre at high tempo.

With the increased prevalence of underwater threats operating within the littoral zone, conventional ASW assets are not always matched to the task. SeaSense provides complex area surveillance in challenging environments, from smaller vessels such as ARCIMS, suited to the task, either crewed or uncrewed allowing for efficient mobility of capability

The ability to protect and patrol a nation’s own territorial waters, or key assets, is the foundation of sea control; to do this effectively whilst reducing overheads is where ARCIMS SeaSense comes into its element.

For more information on ARCIMS SeaSense contact Stuart Flack, ASW Product and Sales Manager, at    

AEUK ARCIMS SEASense Anti Submarine Warfare USV – YouTube

