Russian Navy’s 1st Project 20385 Corvette ‘Gremyashchy’ Begins Acceptance Trials

First of two Project 20385 corvette leaves the Severnaya Verf shipyards for factory trials (Credit: Severnaya Verf)
The Gremyashchy lead corvette of project 20385 sailed out from the Northern fleet Belomorskasya base to the White Sea for acceptance trials, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

TASS Russian news agency

“For several days the corvette will test systems and mechanisms at sea, as well as radio-technical arms with assistance of Northern fleet aircraft. Besides, the corvette will test fire missiles at various targets,” it said.

The Gremyashchy sailed from the Baltic to the White Sea in November. It was built by Severnaya verf Shipyard for the Pacific fleet. The corvette is to sail to the fleet by the Northern Sea Route in 2020 navigation. The Gremyashchy will be the first Kalibr missile carrier in the Pacific fleet.

First of two Project 20385 corvette leaves the Severnaya Verf shipyards for factory trials (Credit: Severnaya Verf)

Project 20385 corvettes were designed by Almaz bureau. The multirole corvettes have to detect and destroy submarines and surface warships, support landing operations and engage in various brown-water missions. The displacement is 2500 thousand tons, the length is 106 meters, the width — 13 meters, the speed -27 knots, the cruising capacity is 4000 miles and autonomous navigation is 15 days. The corvettes are armed with the universal Kalibr launchers, the antiaircraft Redut missiles, antisubmarine Paket complex, 100mm artillery gun A-190-01, two 30mm AK-630M, and a Ka-27 antisubmarine helicopter.

