The Royal Netherlands Navy (RNLN) currently operates a fleet of 48 FRISCs. These crafts are widely deployable, from the fight against maritime drugs- and terrorism to riverine operations. « The FRISC crafts are reaching their end life of type (ELOT). Therefore, there is a need to replace these crafts in 2024, » the Dutch MoD stated.
The Dutch Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) is then considering a tender for the delivery of 26 Future fast interceptors (FFI) for the RNLN, with possibly an option for the procurement of 26 additional vessels for allied nations. Before publishing this tender, the DMO has decided to consult the market first.
« The purpose of this consultation is 2-fold. On one hand to inform the market of the upcoming acquisition of the replacement of the FRISC’s. On the other hand to determine the extent of the supplier’s market, to explore the market’s potential to meet the replacement need of the RNLN, to determine the affordability of these craft and to optimize a possible future tender, » the announcement says.
The potential « allied nations » involved in the procurement have not been detailed but could include Belgium, which uses the same FRISC platform since 2013. The Belgian and Dutch Navies are deeply cooperating through the BENESAM agreement signed in 1995. Besides joint headquarter based in Der Helder, both navies ordered new frigates and minehunter vessels under common procurement projects.
The FRISCs of the navy and the Marine Corps is divided into three main types: the Boarding Craft, the most powerful Raiding Craft and the Support Craft variant. On the 19 Boarding Crafts, eight are deployed as interception vessels on board the Holland-class offshore patrol vessels (two per ship). Six are used for maritime counter-terrorism (MCT) missions by the antiterrorist unit of the Marine Corps. The remaining five are for special operations (SO) for the Marine Corps’ Maritime Special Operation Forces (MARSOF). The 11 FRISC-MCT and -SO are intended for worldwide specialist amphibious operations.
In addition to the 48 units used by the RNLN, two special FRISCs are deployed by the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee / Customs and two RHICCs (riged hull inflatable command craft) for the Command Force Corps.
Specifications (Raiding craft variant) :
- Length : 8 meters
- Weight : Max 8 tons
- Max Speed : 40 knots (2 x 435 hp)
- Range : 370 km
- Capacity : 17