Speaking at the Flag Transfer Ceremony, the Honourable Minister of Defence, Major General Bashir Magashi (rtd), represented by the Chief of the Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Awwal Gambo stated that the new vessel was conceived as a replacement to the previous NNS LANA, a survey ship that was decommissioned about 10 years ago. NNS LANA will not only enhance the safety of Nigeria’s maritime environment but the ship will serve as a critical component in the projection of naval power for enhanced maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea. It will also play a critical role in protection of maritime resources and preservation of law and order at sea, thus contributing significantly to promotion of global maritime commerce.
The Nigerian Navy selected OCEA in 2018 to carry out this contract, following an international call for tenders for the acquisition of a hydrographic research vessel and associated logistical support services. NNS Lana was launched in September 2020.
NNS LANA was handed over to the Nigerian Navy in France on 15 January 2021 after the provisional acceptance trials was concluded. The crew training commenced in January 2021 and ended on 12 April 2021. The change of flag ceremony marks her readiness to embark on her maiden homebound voyage to Nigeria. Expectedly, NNS LANA would join the Nigerian Navy Fleet in May 2021. It is envisaged that the rebirth of NNS LANA would afford the Nigerian Navy Hydrographic Department the leverage to successfully and systematically conduct hydrographic surveys and charting of Nigeria’s waters. It would also afford Nigeria with the opportunity of keying into the General Bathymetric Charts of the Oceans (GEBCO) Seabed 2030 project and the Global Multi-Resolution Topography (GMRT) synthesis project which would ultimately facilitate Nigeria’s accomplishment of its obligation under SOLAS Convention in accordance with President Muhammadu Buhari’s deliberate and sustained policies on maritime safety and security.
Nigerian Navy statement
About OCEA OSV 190 SC-WB Hydrographic Research Vessel

The OCEA OSV 190 SC-WB is a hydrographic and oceanographic research vessel from OCEA’s line of auxiliary vessels.
The vessel designed by OCEA offers excellent operational capabilities thanks to optimized seakeeping, controlled integration of scientific systems and reduced impact on the observed environment: noise, radiation, as has been confirmed by SHOM and Kongsberg on the OSV 190 SC-WB “KRI RIGEL 933” and “KRI SPICA 934” operated by the Indonesian Navy.
NNS Lana will allow the Nigerian Navy to have a better knowledge of its maritime territory and its Exclusive Economic Zone:
- Coastal and deep sea scientific research and studies (hydrography, oceanography)
- Fishing control
- Surveillance of the Exclusive Economic Zone
- Assistance and supplies to other boats
- Helicopter winching operation
- Towing of ships.
To carry out its missions, the ship will be equipped with high-performance technical and scientific means, in particular:
- A deep water multibeam echosounder
- A single beam depth-water sounder
- Side scan sonar
- A current meter
- Means of sampling, storage and analysis of water, fish and sediment
- Laboratory hardware and software
- An 8 m hydrographic boat equipped for data surveys along the coasts in small and very shallow waters.
OCEA OSV 190 SC-WB specifications
•Length(overall): 60.10m
•Max Draft(m): 3.5m
•Autonomy: 4400nm @ 12 knots
•Endurance: 20 days
•Speed: 14.0knots
•Crew and scientific staff: 50 people