Kongsberg press release
The contract was awarded through a comparative and thorough process governed by Kongsberg Thyssen Atlas JV (kta naval systems) and tkMS (thyssenKrupp marine systems) with other vendor(s).
The KONGSBERG technology package consists of SA9510S MKII Mine Avoidance and Navigation Sonars (MANS) plus a Bottom Navigation System (BNS) containing EM2040 MIL multibeam echo sounders and an EA640 echo sounder suite. These sensors provide valuable input to kta naval systems’ ORCCA™ Navigation system to enable safe, indigenous submerged operation of the submarines.
ORCCA, the most modern combat system for non-nuclear submarines on the market, is the first of its kind in combining maximum adaptability with the highest level of IT security. It enables operators to conduct an integrated data analysis from a wide range of systems on board via one multifunctional console – and this in results in rapid, well-informed decision-making processes.
Thomas Hostvedt Dahle, Director of Sales for Naval Sonars, KONSGBERG, said:
“This contract is an important confirmation that KONGSBERG’s knowledge, experience and past performance in underwater acoustics have made this Norwegian-made underwater technology a world-leading development for both the commercial and defence segments. As a former submariner I’m proud to take part in this program, and will look forward to supporting submarine operations for many years to come.”
To learn more about the Type 212CD submarine, check out our recent article: