US Army press release
Building from existing US Navy missile and launcher systems, the MRC provides a fires capability that has not existed in the US Army since the implementation of the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty in 1987. Answering the call to the Army’s No. 1 modernization priority, Long-Range Precision Fires, the MRC can defeat a variety of mid-range targets.
“The MRC rapidly progressed from a blank piece of paper in July 2020, to the Soldiers’ hands in just over two years. The RCCTO team, as well as our joint service and industry partners, delivered this hardware so Soldiers can begin training as quickly as possible,” said Lt. Gen. Robert Rasch, Director of the Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO).
Initial hardware delivery occurred with ongoing support planned through December 2022 in preparation for training to begin after the holidays. The delivery includes a complete MRC ground equipment and reload capability, which comprises a battery operations center, four launchers, prime movers, and modified trailers.
The MRC achieves operational capability in fiscal year 2023 upon completion of system testing, training, and delivery of the missiles. Delivering the ground hardware first allows the Soldiers to train on the equipment, create doctrine for the system, and develop tactics, techniques, and procedures.
The MRC Project Office works closely with the Soldiers and Sailors who benefit from this system via embedded Soldier-Sailor Centered Design Events. These events provided critical user feedback throughout the design process and ensured Soldiers and Sailors were at the center of this effort.
In executing the mid-range fires system and testing, the Army continues to work in close coordination with its joint service and agency partners.

Naval News comments:
About US Army MRC / Typhon
The MRC Weapon System is part of the US Army’s LRPF modernization portfolio. It is intended to hit targets at ranges between the Army’s Precision Strike Missile (PrSM) (about 300 miles maximum range) and the developmental Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW) system (about 1,725 miles maximum range). The MRC Weapon System is to leverage existing SM-6 missiles and Tomahawk cruise missiles—both of which are currently produced by Raytheon and used by the U.S. Navy—and modify them for ground launch by Army units.
The MRC system is also known as the “Typhon” missile system.
The USMC is also looking at land-based Tomahawk and SM-6 missiles launched from trailers: