STADT Naval press release
This contract is the biggest ever in STADT’s history. All further details are confidential due to strict non-disclosure-terms agreed with Customer.
With its unique and patented technology – STADT Lean Propulsion – STADT has achieved recognition from navies and countries around the world. STADT’s technology operates in STEALTH mode with guaranteed no electrical interference and no acoustic switching noise. This contributes to low underwater radiated noise (URN), and low signature for any vessel. In addition, the STADT technology has proven to have absolute minimum power loss, resulting in very low energy consumption and related low or no emission dependant of chosen fuel or power source for a vessel.
For the new navy-vessels, STADT will have the role as system-integrator and will supply main electric elements such as Main Switchboards, AC Lean-drives and AC motors for Thrusters ad Main Propulsion, and Power Management System as a complete integrated solution.
The project will be executed together with STADT`s international partners, such as the French Schneider Electric, an important component provider to STADT over many years.

“This agreement is a result of our long and persistent dedication to develop and supply noise-free electric propulsion technology suited for Naval and Commercial Vessels. The STADT Lean Propulsion® technology has received exceptional good feedback from our existing customers world wide – both Naval and Commercial. This contract is a confirmation from a new NATO country that our technology meet and fulfil the strictest naval signature requirements”
Hallvard Slettevoll, STADT NAVAL AS CEO