Philippine Navy press release
Two brand new Israeli-made fast attack interdiction craft (FAIC) platforms were commissioned into the service of the Philippine Navy during its 125th anniversary celebration on Friday, May 26 at the Commo Divino Pier in Manila.
President and AFP Commander In Chief, Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr., witnessed the activity that formally activated the two new capable boats as the third and fourth components of the Acero-class Patrol Gunboats of The Philippine Fleet’s Littoral Combat Force.
With the commissioning of the two vessels, the Commander In Chief “looks further forward to the completion of the AFP Modernization Program more especially Horizon 3 which is significantly devoted to the naval aspect of our military operations.”
“This endeavor will pave the way for the holistic transformation of our AFP into a stronger, modern, and formidable organization. By then, the AFP will be more effective in its military aims and more responsive to our national goals,” the President added.
BRP Gener Tinangag (PG903) and BRP Domingo Deluana (PG905) were christened earlier this month with namesakes honoring Philippine Marine Corps heroes and Medal for Valor awardees for bravery and sacrifice beyond the call of duty, late Cpl. Gener Tinangag and late Sgt. Domingo Deluana.