Greek Shipbuilder Reveals New Special Operations Craft Designs

Special Operations Craft
DIAPLOUS PHI new SOC designs DIAPLOUS PHI picture.
DIAPLOUS PHI from Greece unveiled two new Special Operations Craft (SOC) designs: An interceptor and a troop transport.

Some months after the successful introduction into service with the Hellenic Navy (ΗΝ) of Phi-Mechaniseas’s first Special Operations Craft (SOC) design AGENOR 18, also known as Agenor, the Greek company partnered with DIAPLOUS Group, a security, defence and crisis management group of companies, providing both maritime and land-based holistic risk management solutions on a global scale. The newly established DIAPLOUS PHI (founded in January 2023) is led by former senior naval officers, naval architects and marine engineers who bring together advanced naval engineering knowledge together with deep Special Forces operational expertise to the design and construction of SOCs, complemented by expertise in tactical mission and weapon systems. DIAPLOUS PHI aims to provide its customers with tailor-made and turnkey solutions taking into considerations their special requirements and needs.

The proven capabilities of DIAPLOUS PHI are showcased by the 18-metre aluminum SOC AGENOR 18, built to support the highly demanding operations of the HΝ’s elite special warfare unit, the Underwater Demolition Command (UDC). The vessel is designed to provide superior ride quality without compromising on high speed. Naval News presented some months ago the armament and capabilities of AGENOR 18 SOC. The new vessel serves with the ΗΝ since May 2022 and is held in high esteem by the leadership and personnel of ΗΝ since it has left the best impressions during a number of trials and exercises.

Agenor during trials and without its RWS. DIAPLOUS PHI photo.

Naval News visited DIAPLOUS PHI S.A. booth during DEFEA 2023 defense exhibition that took place in Athens in last May and talked with the company’s CEO Panagiotis Alourdas to learn more about the prospects of DIAPLOUS PHI and their plans. Alourdas revealed to Naval News that DIAPLOUS PHI evolves its strategic partnerships with key companies, enhancing its quest on Special Operations Craft development. To this effect they established the first three cardinal partnerships with specific companies the products of which will be considered as equipment of choice for the specific design.

Moreover, as we understood, Hellenic Navy and Special Warfare Command are considering Agenor-type craft as candidates for their future platforms. If this materialized then the inventory of UDC might consists of only three (3) types of boats instead of the various types of vessels today: Agenor designs, Mark V and 11m NSW RIB. The most important news though was that there are three international Navies that are interested in DIAPLOUS PHI’s products, since IDEX 2023 already, and specifically for a transfer of technology as a complete package. Alourdas provided us with material about two new SOC designs, based in a high degree on the AGENOR 18 hull design and the experienced gained from its use to date.

The new designs/variants are the following:

AGENOR Combat Craft Interceptor (CCI)

Special Operations Craft
AGENOR CCI variant

The first variant is a Combat Craft Interceptor (CCI) which is almost identical to AGENOR 18 but it is armed with one lightweight 30x113mm remote weapon station (RWS) with ready-to-fire ammunition. Two pedestals amidships for automatic grenade launchers (AGL) or stabilized heavy machine guns (HMG) locally operated complete the armament. Also, there is a provision for guided missile launchers such as the SPIKE NLOS which will equip eight Greek naval vessels (under study the possibility of a suitable lightweight launcher configuration), and/or loitering munitions, as well as a tactical communications system. The area below deck previously occupied by navy seals will be dedicated to berthing and storage according to customer’s requirements. The rear open deck area is dedicated for UAV, missile weapon systems or other special equipment.

AGENOR CCI variant features a 30mm RWS. DIAPLOUS PHI image.
AGENOR CCI variant’s bridge. DIAPLOUS PHI image.

AGENOR Combat Craft Transport (CCT)



The second configuration differs from CCI as it resembles much less the layout of AGENOR 18. It is a Combat Craft Transport (CCT) that maintains the hull of AGENOR 18 but has all seats, 14 in total, arranged in the deckhouse without having an upper deck, in order to further improve the transport conditions of the special operations forces (SOF) team. The silhouette of the new SOC is extremely low and has no mast in comparison with CCI. Atop the navigation bridge it carries a 12.7mm RWS and all sensors and navigation equipment including an EO/IR surveillance sensor gimbal, navigation radar, communication antennas, remote-controlled searchlights and navigation lights. Similarly to the Agenor, two pedestals for HMG or AGL are fitted on the rear open deck which can accommodate two 4.7-meter Zodiac Milpro Futura Commando 470 rubber inflatable boats.

AGENOR CCT variant features a very low silhouette with the RWS and all sensors above the bridge. DIAPLOUS PHI image.
AGENOR CCT variant. All passengers are in the deckhouse. DIAPLOUS PHI image.

