Denmark sends frigate to the Red Sea

Denmark sends frigate to strengthen maritime security in and around the Red Sea
Danish frigate Iver Huitfeldt (Danish MoD photo)
Denmark sends the frigate Iver Huitfeldt on a mission as part of the international maritime coalition in and around the Red Sea to strengthen maritime security. The frigate is also expected to be missioned in a future EU-led naval mission in the area.

Danish Ministry of Defence press release / Translated by Naval News

The Royal Danish Navy frigate Iver Huitfeldt leaves today (January 29, 2024) for Suez, from where it will proceed to the Red Sea when the government’s proposed resolution is expected to be passed in the Folketing (Danish Parliament) on February 6. The Iver Huitfeldt will be part of the American-led maritime security operation Prosperity Guardian, which aims to secure the right of free navigation through the Red Sea, the Strait of Bab el-Mandab, and the Gulf of Aden.

On January 10, 2024, the UN passed a resolution condemning the Houthi’s attacks on ships in the Red Sea. The attacks by the Houthis have been taking place since November 2023 and pose a threat to peace and security in the region.

“The Houthis’ attacks on international shipping and thus on security in international waters are deeply worrying and a serious threat to the international world order. As an important maritime nation, Denmark has a clear interest in contributing to maritime security. The government has therefore decided to send a military contribution to the Red Sea in the form of the frigate Iver Huitfeldt. A decision that is likely to find broad support in the Folketing.”

Troels Lund Poulsen, Danish Defense Minister

Denmark has participated in various missions in the area since 2008. With Resolution B 103 (Danish military contribution to the American-led operation), the government has asked Parliament to approve the deployment of Danish military contributions to strengthen maritime security in and around the Red Sea. With the proposed resolution, it can be assumed that the Danish military contribution will be used in the possible future EU-led naval mission in the area.

“The brutal attacks by the Houthis are completely unacceptable and I am therefore incredibly proud that Denmark, as an important maritime nation, is taking the lead and contributing when seafarers and the right to freedom of navigation need to be defended. I thank the Folketing for its broad support, but most of all I thank all those who are leaving their families and relatives to look after us. They are doing an invaluable job for Denmark, and we all appreciate that in the shipping companies”

Anne H. Steffensen, CEO of Danske Rederier

In addition to participating in the defensive Operation Prosperity Guardian, Denmark is providing a staff officer for an American-led offensive coalition under the proposed resolution B 104, which the Folketing adopted on January 24. The coalition is conducting offensive actions against the Houthi movement to reduce the Houthis’ ability to attack shipping and to persuade them to cease these illegal attacks.

– End –

Naval News comments:

The Iver Huitfeldt is capable of repelling Houthi kamikaze drones and missile attacks with SM-2MR Block IIIB surface-to-air missiles (SAM) with a range of about 170 km (92 n miles) and RIM-162B ESSM Block I SAM with a range of 55 km (29.7 n miles). The ship launches these missiles from a 24-cell Mk 41 vertical launch system.

The Iver Huitfeldt will also contribute to air and surface surveillance, using its advanced sensors to detect the sea and air picture. The ship is equipped with the Thales SMART-L radar, which operates in D-Band, and the Thales APAR, which can be used for air and surface search and fire control.

