Japanese shipbuilder Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. held a delivery ceremony and a self-defense ship flag raising ceremony for the first-in-class frigate ‘Mogami’ (もがみ).
Japanese shipbuilder Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Maritime Systems Co., Ltd. held a delivery ceremony and a self-defense ship flag raising ceremony for the frigate ‘Kumano’ (くまの). The event means the ship, known as 30FFM, was officially commissioned with the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF).
Pictures by local ship spotters in Nagasaki show that the first FFM Frigate for the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) started sea trials on 10 October 2021.
Pictures by local ship spotter 黒兎 (Black Rabbit) show that the new 30FFM Frigate for the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) started sea trials yesterday, 24 August 2021.