Indonesia Conducts Third SINKEX in Under a Year
The Indonesian Navy sank an ex-East German Volksmarine minesweeper using Chinese and French-made anti-ship missiles. This was the third SINKEX conducted by TNI AL in under a year.
The Indonesian Navy sank an ex-East German Volksmarine minesweeper using Chinese and French-made anti-ship missiles. This was the third SINKEX conducted by TNI AL in under a year.
A decommissioned frigate split into three and sank after being struck by four anti-ship missiles and four free fall bombs in a joint SINKEX
The Philippine Marine Corps (PMC) and US Marine Corps (USMC) are set to sink a former Philippine Navy tanker which was built in China….
SINKEX: The Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) fired an Exocet MM40 Block 3 Anti-Ship Missile against a decommissioned troops transport vessel
U.S. and Philippine forces practiced the integration of sensing, fires, and C2 during Balikatan 2023’s SINKEX.
British and American forces took part in a SINKEX (sinking exercise) striking a former US Navy Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigate in the North Atlantic.
A Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) corvette, KD LEKIR, took part in a SINKEX during RIMPAC 2022 using an Exocet MM40 Block 2 anti-ship missile.
Oshkosh Defense, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Oshkosh Corporation, successfully demonstrated the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) based Remotely Operated Ground Unit for Expeditionary (ROGUE) Fires at the Sink at Sea Live Fire Training Exercises (SINKEX) in Hawaii.
The Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) KCR-40-class fast attack craft missile (FACM), KRI Clurit (641) and KRI Kujang (642) took part in a sinking exercice (SINKEX). Two chinese-made C-705 anti-ship missiles were fired and sank former oiler KRI Balikpapan (901) at Natuna Waters.
Live fire from ships and aircraft participating in the Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise sank the decommissioned amphibious cargo ship ex-USS Durham (LKA 114), Aug. 30.
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