The event will mark the first time that the Atmaca is tested at sea.
As we reported recently, Roketsan’s new anti-ship missile Atmaca (Hawk) has been fitted aboard the fourth Ada-class corvette of the Turkish Navy (Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri), TCG Kınalıada.
This will likely be the ship to conduct the firing trial this fall.
Naval News asked Roketsan if the company was planning to answer the interim Harpoon replacement requirement for the Royal Navy. The answer is no, Roketsan is for now fully focused on delivering the Atmaca to its launch customer, the Turkish Navy.
About Atmaca anti-ship missile
Atmaca was unveiled for the first time by Turkish missile systems company Roketsan during IDEF 2019 defense exhibition in Istanbul. According to our colleagues at, its development started about 10 years ago, with Undersecreteriat For Defence industries (UDI) signing a contract for the R&D phase with Roketsan as main contractor, in 2009. Live firing of Atmaca started from 2016.
The serial production contract of Atmaca anti-ship missile was signed between the Presidency of Defence Industries (SSB) and Roketsan on November 2nd, 2018.
According to Roketsan, Atmaca is a subsonic, sea-skimming anti-ship missile with a range of over 220km featuring a 250kg-class high explosive fragmentation warhead. It features high resistance to countermeasures, all-weather capability, a target updating/mission termination facility and a comprehensive mission planning system with 3D routing. The missile is effective against sea targets in open or coastal waters, as well as against shore-based targets.
Atmaca is set to become the Anti-Surface Warfare (ASuW) weapon of choice aboard Turkish Navy modern surface combatants: It will be fitted aboard the Ada-class corvettes, the future Istanbul-class frigates and the future TF2000-class anti-air warfare destroyers.