Armelsan is a Turkish defense company developing underwater solutions for naval assets. The company previously unveiled ARAS-2023 diver detection sonar which was fitted to the Turkish Navy’s flagship LHD Anadolu, and NUSRET 1915 MCM sonar.
At IDEF 2023, the company launched Orkun 2053 dipping sonar. Speaking to Naval News, the company’s president, Mr. Can Emre BAKIM, mentioned that while the sonar is designed for the helicopters, it can be fitted to the USVs as well. “Currently, we are in contact with both helicopter and USV manufacturers for the development process.” Mr BAKIM said.
“The low frequency of the provides a detection range around 30-40 kilometers depending on the sea conditions. We will integrate Orkun 2053 to a USV in 2-3 months, and plan to make a demonstration for the Turkish Navy.”
Mr. Can Emre BAKIM, President of Armelsan
Mr BAKIM also stated that the next step is to integrate the sonar into an indigenously designed helicopter, mentioning GOKBEY general-purpose helicopter manufactured by Turkish Aerospace (formerly TAI). He underlined that the sonar is effective in littoral and shallow waters, and specifically designed for the needs of the Turkish Navy. The company is planning to integrate the sonar to the helicopter in the near future.

The ORKUN 2053 is the first helicopter dipping sonar developed with an indigenous design. It is a medium frequency active sonar and is used in anti-submarine warfare. In detecting and tracking submarines, this sonar system shows limited performance compared to ship-mounted sonars. However, this system has a significant advantage in that it allows for rapid switching between rapid submergence, data collection timing, and hunting areas.
The list of advantages can be continued, as it cancels out noise caused by the current and the engine, as well as Doppler shift. The systems are deployed using helicopters that can launch from aircraft carriers and other ships and dive into the water to detect underwater targets, which the helicopters can then engage with torpedoes.
Key specifications:
- Transmission frequency: 3 different frequencies between 8-11 KHz
- Source level: >216 dB
- Pulse types: FM, CW, COMBO (FM&CW)
- Transmission mode: Omni Directional
- Maximum operation depth: 350m
- System weight: <270kg
Demonstration of @SavunmaArmelsan's Orkun 2053 dipping sonar for ASW helicopters.
— Tayfun Ozberk (@TayfunOzberk) July 28, 2023
Stay tuned for the story.