MADEX 2021: Fincantieri to support DSME for CVX Conceptual Design Phase

DSME initial proposal for ROK Navy's CVX program
During MADEX (International Maritime Defense Industry Exhibition) 2021, one of the main naval exhibitions in the Asia Pacific area, Fincantieri has signed a contract with Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) to support the Conceptual Design of the new class of aircraft carriers “CVX” for the Navy of the Republic of Korea (South Korea).

The program relating to the first-in-class unit envisages the tender for the Basic Design starting from the second half of 2021, whereas the detail design and construction will begin in the following years.

The signing took place between Jung Woo Sung, Vice President Naval & Special Ship Marketing Division of DSME, and Marco Cerruti, Regional Sales Manager of Fincantieri, in the presence of Federico Failla, Italian Ambassador in Seoul, Vice Admiral Dario Giacomin, Deputy Defense General Secretary – Deputy National Armament Director, and Rear Admiral Antonio Natale, Advisor of the Chief of Staff of the Italian Navy.

Fincantieri will advise DSME based on the expertise gained with the construction of the LHD (Landing Helicopter Dock) “Trieste”, which will be delivered next year to the Italian Navy. With this agreement, Fincantieri strengthens its presence in the country, further boosting the relationship with the Republic of Korea. In fact, through its subsidiary Seastema, the Group is cooperating in the construction of eight new Daegu class frigates (FFX-II) for the national Navy, providing SEASNavy, an innovative integrated platform management system (IPMS).

Talking to Naval News, Italian Navy Admiral Dario Giacomin, Vice Secretary General of Defence and Vice National Armament Director said:

“Italy is a leading country in the defense sector, Italian shipyards are cutting hedge for major surface combatants ships (like DDX and FFG) submarines and submarine rescue ships, logistic support ships) and in particular in the projecting and building light aircraft carrier. Italy is the only nation that built 3 different carriers in the last 30 years. ITS Cavour recently completed the carrier qualification in the US for operating F35B. ITS Trieste (currently under final construction phase) is already fit and ready for F35B.
Fincantieri is the italian defence shipyard Champion, made and makes this possible with a state of art project capability and outstanding construction skills. All in full and strict cooperation and sinergy with the Italian Navy”

The signing of this contract marks an important step for the Group in establishing a strategic cooperation with DSME. In a country with high naval shipbuilding capabilities, such cooperation might provide significant supplies for this unit and it might be extended to other products or sectors in the future. The “Trieste” unit’s design represents the state-of-the-art for this class of ships, in addition to being a well-proven product fully meeting the operational requirements of the Korean Navy. With the LHD, Fincantieri has proven its ability to design and build highly innovative units which represent a benchmark in the international scenario.

