According to the notice:
The Ministry of Defense of the Netherlands on behalf of the NLCG intends to procure the provision of a number of fixed wing aircraft for the air reconnaissance capacity of the Netherlands Coastguard, based on a performance based agreement. Intended duration of the future contract is 10 years, starting preferably from 1.11.2021.
The value of the contract is not disclosed.
The Netherlands Coastguard is a branch of the Royal Netherlands Navy and its operational command falls under the Ministry of Defence. They currently operate two Dornier 228-212, which are managed by the Royal Netherlands Airforce. The pilots are from the Royal Netherlands Navy and Royal Netherlands Airforce and the observers are from various ministries. These aircraft have navigation, communication, tracking, photo and video equipment onboard.
According to the Netherlands Coastguard website, the missions for these MSA are:
    – Support during SAR actions
    – Tracking and Identifying pollution (oil/chemicals) and the source of the pollution.
    – Upholding the law regarding nautical traffic.
    – Maritime traffic research, (Name, ship type, nationality, loaded or empty, port of destination and so on) to get an overview of the volume of traffic on the Northsea.