NATO tests effectiveness of Strategic Sealift Contract

NATO picture
NSPA (NATO Strategic Support & Procurement Agency) conducted a successful tabletop exercise of the Strategic Sealift Contract along with the contractor, Spliethoff, and the participating nations, at the Spliethoff’s premises in Amsterdam.

NSPA press release

The NSPA Sealift Contract provides six nations of the MSSC (Multinational Sealift Steering Committee) with a strategic sealift capability, which is currently a scarce resource on the commercial market. It provides Croatia, Hungary, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal and Slovenia with assured access to three medium-sized roll-on/roll-off vessels for crisis response.

During the two days exercise, not only the NSPA contract, but also the national contracts from the Netherlands and Norway were tested in a realistic scenario coordinated in advance with the participating nations and the MCCE (Movement Coordination Centre Europe).

Six activations for these highly specialized ships took place during the exercise, which allowed NSPA to assess not only the contractors’ performance and the related activation procedures, but also to identify lessons and areas for improvement.

The contractor performed as requested and allocated the vessels within the period required.

Upon conclusion of the exercise, the Chief of the NSPA Transport & Warehouse Division, Franck Verdierre highlighted, “this challenging exercise confirmed that the assured access concept works and that NSPA, together with industry, is delivering a very effective tool able to deliver to our customers, the nations, solutions suited to their needs.”


