Royal Danish Navy enhancing MH-60R helicopters ASW capabilities

A 723rd Squadron MH-60R helicopter (Credit : Danish MoD)
As part of the Royal Danish Navy capabilities in anti-submarine warfare (ASW), the Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO) is now procuring sensors and torpedoes for the 723rd Squadron’s nine MH-60R Seahawk helicopters.

The acquisition includes sonars, sonobuoys, sonobuoys launchers and torpedoes, as well as modification of the helicopters for the ASW role and updating the Seahawk simulator, crew and technicians training, support equipment, spare parts and more. 

All systems and services are being acquired with the US Navy trough the US Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program. The corresponding contract has been awarded on February 28.  

« With the conclusion of an FMS contract for ASW equipment for the Seahawk helicopters, the armed forces will be able to establish a whole new and effective anti-submarine warfare capability, » the DALO said on April 6. 

The Danish Seahawk helicopters are already pre-equipped for sonar equipment and torpedoes, so the actual modification of the helicopters to the ASW role is limited and primarily includes a software update. 

Training by the US Navy and update of the Seahawk simulator is expected to begin in 2022. The ASW equipment and torpedoes are expected to be delivered in the 2023-2026 timeframe.

