A notice published on 30 April 2021 on beta.sam.gov reads:
The Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), Program Executive Office for Unmanned Aviation and Strike Weapons (PEO (U&W)), Precision Strike Weapons Program Office (PMA-201) announces its intention to design, develop and procure a carrier aircraft-based offensive strike weapon. The Department of the Navy is developing the Offensive Anti-Surface Warfare Increment 2 (OASuW Inc 2) based on recently completed OASuW analysis activities. OASuW Inc 2 is envisioned to be a long-range, carrier-based, strike fighter aircraft-launched weapon system providing ASuW capabilities. The program is part of the Navy’s Long Range Fires investment approach to meet objectives of the National Defense Strategy. As a key component of this strategy, OASuW Inc 2 will address advanced threats from engagement distances allowing the Navy to operate in, and control, contested battle space in littoral waters and anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) environments.
As Naval News reported previously, the LRASM won the Offensive Anti-Surface Warfare (OASuW) Increment 1 program competition which called for the development of a new missile for the B-1B and Super Hornet to destroy ships from standoff ranges. The OASuW Increment 1 program is the first weapon of an incremental approach to produce an OASuW capability in response to a U.S. Pacific Fleet Urgent Operational Need generated in 2008. The OASuW Increment 1 is an accelerated acquisition program to procure a limited number of air-launched missiles to meet this near-term U.S. Pacific Fleet requirement by leveraging the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) LRASM.
Accoding to the latest Director Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) report, OASuW Increment 2 will deliver long-term anti-surface warfare (ASuW) capabilities to counter future threats. The DOD continues to plan for OASuW Increment 2 to be developed via full and open competition, and Initial Operational Capability is anticipated FY28-30. Due to congressional budget reductions for OASuW Increment 2, the U.S. Navy funded an incremental upgrade – LRASM 1.1 – to bridge the gap until an OASuW Increment 2 program of record is established. This upgrade incorporates missile hardware and software improvements to address component obsolescence issues and enhance targeting capabilities.
The notice published on 30 April 2021 adds:
The Navy has begun fielding OASuW Increment 1. However, threat capability continues to advance and additional range and warfare capability and capacity is required to address the more demanding threat environment. The Next Generation Land Attack Weapon Analysis of Alternatives helped better define part of the battlespace, but was primarily focused on land threats. Further analysis was completed to determine the potential alternatives to address ship-based threats and constitutes the primary focus area for OASuW Inc 2. However, land strike does have value to the Government, albeit less important than ASuW, and is an area that the Government also wishes to characterize potential weapon performance.
The Government expects the acquisition to follow a competitive, phased approach with initial activities focusing on system concepts, model-based systems engineering, preliminary design and technology development and technology integration efforts. Successful offerors may have the opportunity to continue with detailed design, production activities and technology insertion efforts as part of future contracting efforts.
Requirements (Unclassified)
- Operational range: Long Range
- Target peer combatant ships
- Launched from carrier-based strike aircraft