EDA press release
The sea demonstration showed how the information collected from the assets deployed in the area of operations can be integrated to create a Recognised Maritime Picture (RMP).
Building on the experience matured during the first sea demonstration in the Gulf of Taranto, the second sea demonstration focussed on two scenarios:
- surveillance, interdiction and engagement of multiple surface threats
- detection and identification of an underwater threat and the detection of hostile intruders in friendly coastal areas.
The demonstration enabled the achievement of the following objectives:
- Launch and recovery of unmanned surface systems from vessel
- Launch and recovery of an underwater remotely operated vehicle from an unmanned surface system
- Unmanned Systems autonomy
- Collaborative autonomy within a squad of underwater vehicles
- Integration between unmanned systems and naval Combat Management Systems (CMSs)
- Fusion and display of information from UxS by CMS and transmission to the EU Maritime Operation Centre (EU- MOC)
- Use of satellite assets to collect and provide data for augmenting situational awareness
- Integration of information at the EU-MOC including UxS video analysis for automatic detection and classification of surface targets.
The following assets participated in the sea demonstration:
- 12 different types of Unmanned Systems : UAS SW-4 Solo (Leonardo), UAS Patroller (Safran), UAS Cobra (Bluebear), USS Sea Raider (TNO), USS Water Strider (IOSB), USS Enforcer III (Saab), USS Piraya (Saab) , UUS DeDAve (IOSB), UUS Oceanscan (TNO), UUS Biondo (CMRE) , UUS Sea Wasp (Saab) and UUS Gavia (GMV Portugal).
- 4 Naval Units: Swedish Navy HMS Pelikanen controlling USS Piraya and supporting UUS Biondo, Lithuanian Navy P11 Žemaitis operating CMS ATHENA-C (Leonardo) and deploying a team of Special Operation Forces with a RHIB, German MOD R/V Planet operating an experimental C2 (IOSB) and controlling USS Water Strider and UUS UUS DeDAve, Polish Navy Minehunter Czajka operating a ROV and deploying a Portuguese Navy Diving Team with the UUS Gavia
- 1 Earth Observation Satellite System: COSMO SkyMed (e-GEOS)
- 1 manned aircraft equipped with new generation airbrne radar (Hensoldt)
- 2 ashore Command Centres: the EU-MOC (Maritime Operation Centre) prototype at operational level (implemented by Indra and IOSB) including connectivity with the Spanish MOC through MARSUR network, and the CTG (Commander Task Group) at tactical level, based on CMS 9LV (SAAB) and supported by CMS Guardion (TNO) and C2 Quasar (Qinetiq).