Malaysian Defence Minister press release – Translation by Naval News
Today, we witnessed the conduct of the exercise TAMING SARI Series 21 of 2022, which includes live missile launches by the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) Assets. In addition, this is also the culmination of Operational Sea Training Exercise West (OSTEX WEST) 1/22, which was conducted May 16-20, 2022 with the units of the Royal Malaysian Fleet.
A total of 1,250 personnel from the Royal Malaysian Navy, Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF), and Maritime Enforcement Agency Malaysia (MMEA) participated in TAMING SARI exercise. The exercise involved 10 naval ships, 5 fast attacking crafts (FAC), 3 RMN aircraft, 3 RMAF aircraft, and 2 MMEA aircraft.
As part of the exercise, an EXOCET MM40 missile was launched by KD LEKIR, a Kasturi-class corvette, in the waters of the Strait of North Malacca. The firing was precisely on the target located at a distance of 20 nautical miles (or 36 kilometers).
The success of firing the missile on the target not only proves the ability and expertise of RMN personnel in handling the country’s defense assets but also highlights RMN’s preparedness in ensuring that the country’s waters remain safe and sovereign.
“If the 10 ASEAN countries could unite to ensure that our priority is our regional security and stability, then no superpowers can belittle us.”
Hishammuddin bin Hussein, Defence Minister of Malaysia
The readiness of the RMN’s missile systems will always be at the highest level, as a new missile system will be adopted as soon as the existing system becomes obsolete during this two-year period.