RAMSYS press release
The newly developed RAM Block 2B missile incorporates a new infrared seeker head and a missile-to-missile-link between the missile salvo shootings. Together with its evolved radar frequency receiver software, this enables the missile to effectively counter complex raid scenarios of incoming anti-ship missiles and new targets of the latest generation.
RAM has been a bilateral US-German government program for more than 40 years. The 6th generation RAM Block 2B missile is a development by the industry partners Raytheon Missile & Defense and RAMSYS, in close cooperation with its parent companies Diehl Defence and MBDA Germany.
Deliveries of the new missiles to the German Navy will start 2024.
About RAM Block 2B

The RAM weapon system for ship self-defence is developed, produced and marketed by RAMSYS in close cooperation with its parent companies Diehl Defence and MBDA Deutschland together with the US partner Raytheon Missile & Defense. Apart from the transatlantic cooperation partners Germany and the United States of America, the navies of Egypt, Greece, Japan, Mexico, Qatar, South Korea, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates rely on the outstanding capabilities of the RAM missile system. The new RAM Block 2B guided missile can be loaded into all deployed RAM launching systems.
The procurement contract for the 600 RAM Block 2B missiles for the German Navy is an essential element within a multinational production scenario. Diehl Defence produces the infrared seeker head, guidance section and the launch canister and is responsible for the integration of the front section. MBDA Deutschland produces the evolved radar frequency receiver, control section and warhead and performs the final assembly of the RAM Block 2B missiles.
RAM-System GmbH is the national industrial partner of the German Navy for ship-based air defence. As prime contractor, it manages the German industrial shares in the cooperative US-German RAM Program, the multinational Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM) Program and the SeaRAM Program. Focusing on systems technology for naval air defence and program management in international cooperation, RAM-System GmbH has also the RAM marketing leader in the European market.