STADT NAVAL press release
STADT NAVAL and the Norwegian Ministry of Defence have agreed to strenghten their cooperation related to the use of STADT’s green and noise-free electric propulsion technology in naval ship programs, both in Norway and elsewhere for export, such as in the upcoming MMPC – EPC Corvette program that is initiated under the umbrella of the European Defence Fund – EDF . In this development program for the future corvettes of Europe, Naviris, Fincantieri, Naval Group and Navantia will be the project partners for STADT NAVAL AS in developing green futureproof electric propulsion for these naval ships.
STADT NAVAL AS is part of the STADT GROUP which also includes the maritime technology company STADT AS i.e. Hallvard Slettevoll, CEO of the STADT GROUP – says that at the end of 2022 it is expected that series of new major contracts will be signed in the category of naval and commercial integrated electric propulsion solutions based upon the patented and well-proven Lean Propulsion® AC Drive technology.