General Dynamics press release
The ship is named for Cpl. Patrick Gallagher, an Irish citizen who received the Navy Cross for bravery while a U.S. Marine fighting in Vietnam.
The Saturday morning christening ceremony took place at Bath Iron Works’ shipyard. Speakers included the Hon. Seán Fleming, Ireland’s Minister of State for the Department of Foreign Affairs, Sen. Susan Collins, Gen. Christopher Mahoney, Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps, the Hon. Sean Coffey, General Counsel of the Navy and Vice Admiral Darse Crandall, Judge Advocate General of the Navy. Gallagher’s sisters Teresa Gallagher Keegan, Rosemarie Gallagher and Pauline Gallagher are the ship’s sponsors.
Charles F. Krugh, president of General Dynamics Bath Iron Works, welcomed the gathering of more than 2,000 shipbuilders, family members and invited guests, telling them that Cpl. Patrick Gallagher’s bravery and sacrifice are an inspiration to the shipbuilders responsible for building DDG 127 and delivering it to the U.S. Navy.
“Today at Bath Iron Works, we are building the ships that our nation’s Sailors will rely on to protect our country and our families. It is our commitment and our privilege to ensure they are best built so the men and women of our Armed Forces can fulfill their duty on behalf of all of us.”
Charles F. Krugh, president of General Dynamics Bath Iron Works
In addition to Patrick Gallagher, Bath Iron Works currently has under construction the Flight IIA Arleigh Burke-class destroyer Harvey C. Barnum Jr. (DDG 124) as well as the Flight III destroyers Louis H. Wilson Jr. (DDG 126), William Charette (DDG 130), Quentin Walsh (DDG 132) and John E. Kilmer (DDG 134).
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