Admiral Gorshkov Loaded with Tsirkon Missile for Second Test

Artist impression of 3M22 Tsirkon / Zircon hypersonic missile
Artist impression of 3M22 Tsirkon / Zircon hypersonic missile
The Admiral Gorshkov frigate of project 22350 arrived in Belomorskaya naval base for maintenance and loading of Tsirkon hypersonic missile for another test launch, a source in the defense industry told TASS.

By TASS Russian news agency

“The second test launch of Tsirkon is scheduled in April-May,” he said.

The Northern fleet and Tsirkon designer NPO mashinostroenia refused comment.


Russian frigate Admiral Gorshkov underway. Russian MOD picture.
Russian frigate Admiral Gorshkov underway. Russian MOD picture.

Naval News comments:

Tsirkon test launch from a warship was scheduled in late 2019, but took place in January 2020. The Admiral Gorshkov frigate of project 22350 fired the missile from the Barents Sea.

Open sources said the hypersonic 3M-22 missile was designed by NPO-machinostroeniya in Reutov in Moscow region. It is a part of 3K-22 (Tsirkon code) complex which NATO reports as SS-N-33. The missile can develop a speed of Mach 9 and fly at an altitude of 30-40 km where the range and speed increase as air resistance is smaller. Experts estimate the payload at 300-400 kg and the missile length at 8-10 meters. Tsirkon is to be fired from universal vertical launchers 3S-14 on warships and submarines and from Bastion mobile coastal missile launchers.

