Ultra Electronics press release
The award is a GFY2020 modification order off the FY19-23 IDIQ contract for additional AN/SSQ-125 sonobuoys for the US Navy Fleet. ERAPSCO will award production subcontracts in the amount of $33.5 million and $38.3 million to Ultra Electronics USSI and Sparton. Production operations will take place at Ultra Electronics USSI’s Columbia City, IN facility and Sparton’s DeLeon Springs, FL facility, and are expected to be completed by July 2022.
“I am pleased that we have secured this important contract that will continue to provide critical sensor capabilities to the U.S. Navy. This contract is a reflection of the increased focus on anti-submarine warfare and the U.S. Navy’s commitment to providing key technology for this important mission”.
David Jost, President of Ultra Maritime USSI
“As someone who has been in the antisubmarine warfare business for over 35 years, I am proud that Sparton continues to provide the highest quality sonobuoy engineering and production to the US Navy and to allies throughout the world. Sparton employees work with a great deal of pride and patriotism in support of our customers.”
Bill Toti, Chief Executive Officer of Sparton DLS