French Amphibious Ready Group Set Sails for Mission Jeanne d’Arc 2022

French Amphibious Ready Group Set Sails for Mission Jeanne d'Arc 2022
Mistral-class LHD "Mistral" setting sail for "Mission Jeanne D'Arc 2022" on 18/02/2022. French Navy picture.
French Navy (Marine Nationale) Mistral-class LHD "Mistral" and La Fayette-class frigate "Courbet" set sails today from Toulon naval base to start "MISSION JEANNE D'ARC 2022".

JEANNE D’ARC is an annual long duration and joint deployment which aim is to provide officer cadets with “at sea” operational training before joining their units as officers. The mission has three main ojectives:

  • Train the future generations of French Navy officers
  • Deploying operational capabilities in areas of strategic interest
  • Interoperability and regional cooperation

This year, the Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) will deploy from February 18, to July from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic Ocean, via the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Guinea. It will call in Jordan, Djibouti, India, South Africa, Cameroon, Gabon, Brazil and Portugal. In 2021, the ARG deployed to the Indo-Pacific.

Jeanne d'Arc 2022

According to the French Navy, the JEANNE D’ARC mission contributes to France’s affirmation of its commitment to respect for the law of the sea and international law, and to freedom of movement in maritime and air space. Through this operational presence in strategic areas, France demonstrates its desire to defend the interests it shares with its partners.

During its deployment, the JEANNE D’ARC group will participate in maritime security operations. I will be placed in direct support of the counter-piracy operation ATALANTE during its passage in the Indian Ocean. It will also be integrated into Operation CORYMBE, France’s quasi-permanent deployment in the Gulf of Guinea – contributing since 1990 to the maritime security of the region.

The landing helicopter deck ‘Mistral’ carries an Army embarked battle group, as well as a Dauphin helicopter from the 35F squadron. On board: 640 sailors, including 160 student officers, and an Army contingent of 120 soldiers.

At any time, on the orders of the Chief of staff, the ships amphibious ready group, as well as amphibious, land and air assets, can be deployed to intervene in a national or multinational operational context.

It is worth noting that this is the first operation deployment of Lafayette-class Frigate Courbet following her mid life update.

